I have always been a believer in paying it forward, making the next generation more capable and equipped to navigate life and excel past where they launched from. For the record, paying for the person behind you in the drive thru doesn't always work out. That being said, there are many different ways to pay it forward. One of the most important ways we can do that is by working with the next generation.
There can never be too much focus on how you respond and react to all that life throws at us. Studying and learning new tools and tips to manage stress can be essential in our path to better health After navigating thru my own personal yoga and mindfulness journey, I learned the fact that no one is responsible for your behavior and thoughts but you. I mean we've all probably heard that said at one time or another but to really LEARN it is a whole other thing. Learning to be in tune with letting go of things outside of our control and processing our responses more thoughtfully can help build a strong foundation of emotional strength, self-confidence and balance. Practicing what we preach, modeling, walking the walk- whatever you want to call it, we have to show them in our daily lives. When you know you have a better response option, use it! You will be supported and encouraged. Do your work. Pay it forward. In striving to improve the next generation, we elevate our own.